Finn all produktinformasjon om Hitachi PJ-TX3inkludert informasjon om hvor du finner den billigst. Se beste pris på Hitachi PJ-TX300. Les tester og omtaler før du skal kjøpe på nett.
Hitachi PJ-TX3TX-3er den tredje projektoren fra Hitachi i samme serie. Utseendet har knapt nok forandret seg, mens spesifikasjonene . Hitachi LCD Projector PJ-TX30 - 12ANSI, 10000: 1280x7-Demo. Hitachi PJ-TX3Cine Master projector specs, projector reviews and current street prices.
LCD forever seems to be playing catch-up to other DLP technologies. Perfect timing, then, for Hitachi to give the technology a shot in the arm . With DLP finally getting competitive with LCD in the budget HD Ready projection market, LCD really needs to be on top of its game to stay in . Hitachi PJ-TX3är uppföljaren till testvinnarna TX1och TX200. Upplösningen är som tidigare 12x 7(D5-paneler), fläktljudet låga dB i Whisper . We're a sucker for a nice-looking LCD projector – and this Hitachi backs up its looks with some impressive vital statistics.
Proyector hitachi pj-tx3720p HD - Duration: 1:14.
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